2022.09.01Press Release
"AI Engineer Musya Syugyo Course" release decision! A selective AI engineer training program that provides a set from training to development project assignment
2022.08.25Press Release
The 2nd edition of the "Short Breakthrough Deep Learning G Test Preparation Problem Book", which has sold over 10,000 copies, is finally on sale!
2022.08.01Press Release
"DX Literacy Course" release decision! A human resource development program for corporations that learns five fields useful for promoting DX through e-learning and work
2022.07.11Press Release
AVILEN supports Marubeni Corporation's "Digital Challenge" from the fields of data science and AI human resource development
2022.06.29Press Release
Concluded an agreement with Japan Post Capital Co.,Ltd.
2022.06.22Press Release
AVILEN, Inc. Joins the Financial Data Utilizing Association as a Special Member -Promoting the use of AI and data in the financial field-
AVILEN supports the planning and operation of MUFG's data science competition ~ AVILEN AI Trend published an interview article with MUFG's data science competition secretariat
2022.06.07Press Release
Collaborating with TIS to Develop and Provide AI Human Resource Development Services ~ Leveraging AVILEN's content development know-how to support the development and provision of TIS's unique data analysis and AI human resource development services ~
2022.05.01Press Release
TensorFlow version of the E-certification course for all humanity is now available to the public, allowing students to select a framework to study!
2022.04.26Press Release
Capital tie-up with INTEC Inc. ~ Supporting the promotion of DX by developing AI human resources and providing AI/data utilization solutions ~