Co-produced "Basic Infrastructure Course" for AI engineers with infrastructure specialist Rosso

(AVILEN; Chuo-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Choi Yi-Ming; hereinafter "AVILEN") and Rosso Corporation (Rosso; Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Takashi Kanba; hereinafter "Rosso") will start offering "Basic Infrastructure Course for AI Engineers" jointly produced by the two companies in August 2020. (Applications will be accepted from July. (Applications will be accepted from July.) We will continue to support AI engineers who aim for further success in their careers.
Background of the course
In the field of AI business, there is a growing need for engineers who can lead not only system development but also the operation of AI projects, because there is a shortage of engineers who can handle the pre-processing of data and system implementation, in addition to the development of learning models. There is a shortage of engineers who can handle the pre- and post-processing.
For example, if AI implementation and operation is to be performed on AWS (Amazon Web Service), the Amazon SageMaker service makes it possible to manage and streamline the development, training, and even deployment of machine learning models on a single platform. The service is available in the following languages
The presence of AI engineers with this kind of knowledge is needed to "introduce" AI into practice, but there are still very few of them. Against this backdrop, Rosso, which provides various system solutions using the latest AI and infrastructure technologies, has decided to produce a "Basic Infrastructure Course" for AI engineers in collaboration with AVILEN.
Overview of the two companies
AVILEN, as an "AI specialist group," has developed its business mainly in the development of AI technologies such as image recognition and natural language processing. AVILEN has been developing AI technologies, such as image recognition and natural language processing, as a "group of AI specialists".
Since its founding in 2006, Rosso has supported its partners as an independent software development company, and in 2018 joined APN Partners, accelerating its efforts to move to the cloud while also focusing on providing AI/machine learning services and strengthening its "ML Ops" and also strengthening our management structure.
By combining the strengths of both companies, we have been able to produce training courses that provide high quality and efficient learning of the practical know-how of "AI x Infrastructure".
Course Outline
Name : Basic Infrastructure Course
Start Date : August 2020 (Applications will be accepted from July)
Target : Engineers who have acquired basic AI skills and have experience in developing simple models.
(Those who do not have the above skills and experience can also acquire them by taking a separate course offered by AVILEN.)
- This course is offered as part of AVILEN's AI engineer training course, "Data Scientist Master Course.
- This course is offered as part of AVILEN's "Data Scientist Master Course," a training course for AI engineers, and provides the knowledge necessary for AI engineers to learn infrastructure and actually operate AI services.
- The course is supervised by Rosso, an APN Advanced Consulting partner company.
What we cover
- Why AI engineers study infrastructure
- Infrastructure Concepts
- Cloud, on-premise, and edge features
- Virtual machines, containers, serverless
Press Release