Let's take the challenge. To the transformation that will shift Japan into a new era.

About Us

Read our company brochure


Few companies and personnel can keep up with technological advances

  • Increasing sophistication and complexity of technology

    Lack of digital and AI talent companies themselves and SIers cannot handle

  • Decrease in the working population

    Declining birthrate and aging population reduce the number of workers in all occupations

Unless these issues are resolved, it will not be possible to fundamentally transform value delivery and business models based on digital technology.


Supporting companies' digital and AI transformation as a Tech x Biz partner all the way through

Supporting companies' digital and AI transformation as a Tech x Biz partner all the way through

Making full use of both "technology" and "business" expertise, we are confronting the challenges of digital and AI transformation facing Japan in the three areas of "strategic consulting," "digital organization development," and "AI technology implementation.


Enriching humanity with data and algorithms

In the coming AI de facto era, the barriers of "seizing control of increasingly sophisticated and complex technologies" and "a shrinking workforce due to a declining birthrate and aging population" stand in front of Japanese companies and people.

With the power of Tech x Biz, we will support "restructuring business models and fundamentally changing processes", "super efficiency and innovation through data and algorithms" and "internalization of technology utilization" to open up a prosperous tomorrow for mankind.





Professionals in various fields, including data scientists, have gathered at AVILEN to "enrich humanity with data and algorithms".


Professionals in various fields, including data scientists, have gathered at AVILEN to "enrich humanity with data and algorithms". Join us in the transformation that will shift Japan into a new era.