【E-Certification Course Interviews with Students】What is AVILEN's deep learning course that will even give you development skills in 6 weeks?

Student Interview with Mr. Ashihara
Mr. Ashihara who passed the E-Certification test held on August 31, 2019. She participated in AVILEN's E-Certification course from July, and achieved her E-Certification in a short period of just over a month while working in parallel with her work. We interviewed her about her study methods and her impressions of participating in the course, which led her to pass the E-Certification.
What is E-Certification?
It is one of the certifications run by the Japan Deep Learning Association.AVILEN's E-Certification course is a certification for AI engineers who understand the theory of deep learning and have the skills to implement it correctly.
About AI Certification Operated by JDLA:
About AVILEN's E-Certification Course:
「The teachers were very supportive.」
–1. First of all, congratulations on passing the E-Certification.
Thanks to your help, we were able to pass the exam!I probably asked the most questions among the participants, some of which were low-level questions.... I think it was the generosity of the teachers' support, who answered each question in detail. Now that I have passed the exam, I look back and think that the quality of the textbooks and exercises was very good! I am not satisfied with the current situation and will continue to study and devote myself to the future. Thank you very much.
–2. What were your reasons for wanting to obtain the E-Certification?
In 2019, I first learned about the G-Certification, a certification in AI, and after learning about the G-Certification, words like deep learning and AI began to connect in my mind. I had some experience in probability, statistics, and programming, so I thought I would give the certification a try. After obtaining the G-Certification, I decided that I wanted to take it to the next level and obtain the E-Certification, which was the main reason why I decided to take the G-Certification.
What is the G-Certification?
One of the certifications run by the Japan Deep Learning Association, this certification certifies that you are a generalist with the knowledge and skills to correctly understand AI and apply it to your business. It is recommended for those who are learning AI for the first time.
About AVILEN's G-Certificate Course :
I learned a lot through the product development assignment.
–3. Looking back, what was your study schedule like?
One of the reasons I chose AVILEN was because I was very attracted to the fact that I could develop my skills in a short period of time, only 6 weeks. I think the number of classes, six in all, was just right for this project.
I don't remember the specific study time, but I was working on normal exercises and product development assignments every day before the next lecture started. When I didn't have enough time, I sometimes worked on product development in the middle of the night.
–4. How was the content of the course and the difficulty of the assignments?
Considering that I was able to pass the course in 6 weeks, I realize that the quality of AVILEN's materials and curriculum was very high. Also, although I was not able to create a perfect product in a short period of time, I learned a lot even in a single development assignment. Looking back, I wish I could have spent more time on the product development assignments and challenged myself more.
「I would like to improve my development skills and contribute to the company in the future. 」
–5. How was the support of the instructors and staff?
I liked the atmosphere of the face-to-face lectures, where it was easy to ask questions. When one thinks of a typical lecture, the image that comes to mind is that of the listener just sitting passively with a stiff feeling, but in the actual face-to-face lectures, the lectures were easy to understand and the speed of the lectures was appropriate because they were conducted while communicating through conversation with the unique instructors. In addition, when I had a problem with an assignment, I was able to proceed with development while receiving technical advice from Mr. Yoshida, the instructor, through interviews and chats. I was able to proceed with the development while receiving technical advice from Mr. Yoshida through interviews and chats when I did not understand an issue.
–6. What challenges do you want to take on in the future?
Compared to before the E-Certification, I feel that I now know what I need to study and how to find the best solutions to my problems. Although I do not directly use AI in my current job, there is a growing demand for AI applications in company systems. In the future, I hope to contribute to the company by acquiring the skills to develop AI-based products with a solid understanding of the theory.