AVILEN Exhibits at the 1st Digital Human Resource Development Support EXPO Autumn-Introducing DX/AI Promotion Problem Solving Solutions

AVILEN, Inc. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kotaro Takahashi, hereinafter "AVILEN") will hold the "1st Digital Human Resources We will exhibit at the Training Support EXPO Autumn.
At the AVILEN booth, we will introduce problem-solving programs and educational content that support DX/AI organizational development and human resource development.
If you have issues in developing digital human resources that are essential for promoting DX and utilizing AI, please drop by the AVILEN booth!
1st Digital Human Resource Development Support EXPO Autumn
【Venue】 Makuhari Messe (Halls 1-3)
【Date】 October 26th (Wednesday) to 28th (Friday), 2022 10:00-18:00 (until 17:00 on the last day)
【Organizer】RX Japan Ltd.
【Booth number】 9-72 (Easy to access from the entrance of Hall 3)