Non-stop support for social implementation of AI! AI specialist group "AVILEN" and AI media "AI-SCHOLAR" have formed a partnership.

The industry's leading AI media and AVILEN Corporation, a leading developer of cutting-edge AI technology, will jointly provide AI solutions.
AVILEN Corporation
May 19, 2020 11:00 AM
AVILEN Corporation (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: I-Ming Choi), an AI technology development and AI human resource development company, announces that it has formed a partnership with wevnal Corporation, which operates the AI paper media "AI-SCHOLAR". Through this alliance, we will further support the social implementation of AI.
Features of Both Companies
AVILEN Corporation, as a group of AI specialists, provides its proprietary AI engine services and AI human resource development training programs.
AI-SCHOLAR, an AI thesis media operated by WEVNAL Corporation, is a media that explains English theses on cutting-edge AI technologies, and has been highly evaluated by many researchers, students, and business people involved in AI.
Background of the Alliance
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is attracting increasing attention. Many companies are actively promoting the introduction of AI systems and the training of AI human resources with a view to business reform, and we have received calls from readers of AI SCHOLAR for development and human resource training needs.
Through this partnership, AVILEN Corporation will support AI SCHOLAR readers in their business applications of AI.
The objective is to establish a system for non-stop introduction of cutting-edge knowledge and technology to the business scene.
Specific details of the partnership
AVILEN, Inc. and AI SCHOLAR, an AI thesis media company, will collaborate on the following services
- AI human resource development training program (AI training for business and engineering professionals)
- On-the-job training to learn while implementing papers found on AI SCHOLAR
- E-qualification course for Japan Deep Learning Association's certification program
- Technical development support for AI and machine learning
AVILEN's E-qualification courses have achieved industry-leading results, with 94.4% of students passing the E-qualification.
In addition, each training plan can be completed entirely online. This service is also available for companies that offer telecommuting services.
<How to use>
Please use the form on the AI SCHOLAR page to inquire about the service you are interested in.
About AI-Scholar
Since its launch in September 2018, AI-SCHOLAR has rapidly grown to become one of the industry's most popular media outlets in about a year and a half. AI-Scholar is a media company that aims to "make AI easier to understand and more accessible than anywhere else! Make AI more accessible than anywhere else! AI-SCHOLAR is operated with the mission of "Making AI Easier to Understand and More Accessible than Anywhere Eliminating the gap in understanding of AI between the general public and experts, and helping AI become a part of general society.
About AVILEN Corporation
With the mission of "bringing cutting-edge technology to as many people as possible," AVILEN supports a wide range of businesses, including AI technology development business, AI human resource development business, and AI media business. AVILEN has a proven track record of providing AI services to many major companies, mainly in the manufacturing and financial sectors.
会社名 株式会社wevnal
代表取締役 磯山博文
本社 東京都渋谷区渋谷1-11-8 渋谷パークプラザ5階
設立 2011年4月
・Chatbot AI事業
会社名 株式会社AVILEN
代表取締役 崔一鳴
本社 東京都中央区銀座2-14-4 銀座スクエア4F
・ディープラーニング技術を搭載した「自然言語処理エンジン PARROT」「最適レコメンドエンジン FALCON」「画像認識エンジン HAWK」の開発・提供
・AI特化型メディア「AVILEN AI Trend」の運営
Company Information
Company Name wevnal, Inc.
Representative Director Hirofumi Isoyama
Head Office 5F Shibuya Park Plaza, 1-11-8 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Established April 2011
Description of Business
- Internet marketing business (various types of managed advertising, creative, and media)
- Chatbot AI business
Company name: AVILEN Corporation
Representative Director: I-Ming Choi
Headquarters: Ginza Square 4F, 2-14-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Business Description
- Development and provision of "natural language processing engine PARROT," "optimal recommendation engine FALCON," and "image recognition engine HAWK," all of which incorporate deep learning technology
- Consulting support for AI application
- Support for AI human resource development
- Operation of AI specialized media "AVILEN AI Trend