AVILEN achieves No. 1 in the number of successful applicants for E-Certification for the third consecutive term. 2022#1 is 320, surpassing the cumulative total of 1,000 applicants.

AVILEN, Inc. is pleased to announce that it has produced 320 successful candidates for the E-Certification 2022#1 by the Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA), becoming the No.1 candidate for the third consecutive term and surpassing the 1,000 mark in cumulative number of successful candidates.
We will continue to improve the quality of our courses and support to deliver the best E-certification preparation courses to our students who aspire to become AI engineers.
AVILEN, as a JDLA accredited business (No. 00008) for E-Certification, has been offering the "E-Certification Course for All Mankind" since 2019#2.
The result of 2022#1, the 5th term, was "320 successful candidates, 86.7% of new examinees(*1)," achieving a 32.5% share of the successful candidates.
With this achievement, we have been "No.1 in the number of successful applicants for three consecutive terms" from 2021#1 to 2022#1, and the cumulative number of successful applicants since the start of offering the E-Certification course has exceeded 1,000 (*2).
We will continue to support aspiring AI engineers and contribute to the development of AI human resources by providing E-qualification courses.
(※1)New candidates are candidates who have completed the E-Certification course after E-Certification 2021#2 and have taken 2022#1.
(※2)From JDLA's E-qualification performance report
<What is the E-Certification Course for All Mankind?>
<Strong point>
◎ Complete E-Certification with lecture videos, coding and product development by active engineers
◎ Self-paced learning through e-Learning format
◎ Support for learning through unlimited chat support and coding corrections
◎ Catch up on prerequisite knowledge such as math, statistics, Python, etc. by taking the basic course option
<E-Certification Course Online Information Session>
Date: Thursday, March 17, 2022, 19:00-19:50
Venue: Zoom Webinar
Capacity: First 50 participants
Cost: Free
Registration Form:Here
AVILEN's goal is to create a society in which more people can understand and utilize cutting-edge technology. We believe that the widespread use of technology will greatly expand the potential of individuals and lead to the realization of an affluent society.