Pass rate for "E-Certification" for AI engineers increased to 94.4%! High quality of AVILEN courses is backed by the Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA) certification exam - average pass rate of 68.04% for all examinees.

With increasing attention on AI and deep learning (deep learning) from various fields as well as the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, the Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA), which certifies the skills of engineers who implement deep learning, held its "E Qualification (Engineer Qualification)" examination (February 21 and 22, 2020), Of the 90 students who took the preparation course offered by AVILEN Corporation, 85 passed (94.4% pass rate). This is a significant increase (5.8 points) from the previous August 2007 result of 88.6%.
This is 26.4 percentage points higher than the average pass rate of 68.0% for all examinees, and is tangible evidence of the high quality and reliability of AVILEN's courses.
Overview of Deep Learning Course for E-qualification
E-qualification is a certification that certifies the skills of engineers who understand deep learning from the theory and can develop any model. Our course offers a basic course so that even beginners can pass the course.
E-qualification support Deep Learning Course Special Site:
According to the Japan Deep Learning Association, the overall pass rate for the exam was 68.04%, while AVILEN's pass rate was much higher at 94.4%.
2020#1 Testimonials from those who passed the E-qualification
We would like to introduce some of the messages we received from those who used AVILEN's courses and passed the E-qualification for this exam.
Mr. U
Looking back after taking and passing the E-qualification exam, I think that the "E-qualification course" was packed with the best courses, materials, and assignments to "pass the E-qualification. This is reflected in the high pass rate. In my personal opinion, I would even go so far as to say that completion of this program is almost synonymous with holding the E-qualification."
Mr. Y
'I think the course content was well balanced. I think the support was good; the shared support of the course participants on Slack helped to keep me motivated. I also liked that test scores were shared."
Mr. H
The lecture videos were very easy to understand and I reviewed them many times. I appreciated the instructor's hand-drawn diagrams and the way he actually showed us how the formulas were developed. It was helpful to have additional explanations when I had questions while listening to the lecturer.
Mr. O
The quality and quantity of the course was excellent, and I could feel that I was getting stronger as I studied.
Working on the exercises was very good because it brought my understanding up to the implementation level."
Toward the August 2020 E-Certification Examination
AVILEN is looking ahead to the next E-qualification exam in August 2020 and will further strengthen its support system for students in order to maintain a high pass rate. Below are some of the initiatives we will be undertaking.
Introduction of a mentor system
All participants will be assigned a mentor. The mentor will propose a learning plan suited to each student and respond to questions immediately to support efficient learning.
Updates on the latest technology
Deep learning technology is constantly evolving, and the latest models and information may appear on the exam. We will further improve the quality of the exercises and practice test questions, and grow the content to produce even more successful candidates.
About AVILEN Corporation
AVILEN provides comprehensive support for corporate AI projects through AI technology development and AI human resource development. We provide various AI solution services.
- AI training by job category: Business Plan/Engineer Plan
- On-the-job training to promote actual projects using in-house data
- AI and machine learning model development using the latest methods and deep learning
- We provide AI engines specialized in image processing/language processing/recommendation.
Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.