Concluded an agreement with Japan Post Capital Co.,Ltd.

AVILEN, Inc. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, CEO Kotaro Takahashi / hereinafter "AVILEN") formed a capital alliance with Japan Post Capital Co.,Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President Toshiya Maruta / hereinafter "Japan Post Capital"). I will let you know.
Since its founding in 2018, AVILEN has been working with more than 400 companies, mainly listed companies, from DX / AI strategy planning to deep learning, etc., under the vision of "cutting-edge technology for all". We provide end-to-end support for AI-driven DX promotion, from the development of machine learning-related algorithms and their in-house production, to the training of DX and AI human resources.
Japan Post Capital is aiming to collaborate with investee companies and the Japan Post Group as an investment that maximizes the network of the Japan Post Group in startup companies that have high growth potential and solve social issues. Through this capital and business alliance, we aim to create synergies between the resources owned by both companies and further expand our business.
The four main companies of the Japan Post Group (JAPAN POST HOLDINGS Co., Ltd., JAPAN POST Co., Ltd., JAPAN POST BANK Co., Ltd., and JAPAN POST INSURANCE Co.,Ltd.) will implement strategic IT investments of approximately 430 billion yen from fiscal 2021 to fiscal 2025 in order to promote Group DX. We anticipate that we will promote DX in the postal and logistics business, expand digital services, and implement various initiatives such as the “Mirai no Post Office” that fuses the real post office network and digital.
As the first initiative under this alliance, we will participate in JP DIGITAL Co., Ltd (* 1) in the promotion of digital transformation (hereinafter "DX") that the Japan Post Group is working on together, and will support content production in the DX human resource development program. I will continue.
(*1)Subsidiary that supports the execution of Japan Post Group's DX(Official corporate site:
Comments from both companies regarding this alliance
【AVILEN Representative Director Kotaro Takahashi】
In order to enrich Japan with technology, AVILEN provides DX/AI strategy planning, AI-related development such as deep learning, and DX/AI human resource development services. In addition to IT investment exceeding 400 billion yen, the Japan Post Group established JP Digital in July 2021 and is promoting the DX transformation of the entire group. We hope that collaborating with the Japan Post Group, which plays a role as social infrastructure, will lead to the first step in promoting DX throughout society.
【Japan Post Capital President Toshiya Maruta】
Japan Post Capital invests in companies with high growth potential with the aim of discovering and nurturing new businesses that meet the needs of the times. increase.
AVILEN supports the business of client companies in terms of both machine learning technology development and human resource education. , We hope that various companies other than the Japan Post Group will develop and utilize AI / DX human resources.
AVILEN aims to create a society where more people can understand and utilize cutting-edge technology. We believe that the spread of technology will greatly expand the possibilities of individuals and lead to the realization of a prosperous society.