Capital tie-up with INTEC Inc. ~ Supporting the promotion of DX by developing AI human resources and providing AI/data utilization solutions ~

AVILEN, Inc. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kotaro Takahashi, hereinafter referred to as AVILEN) is developing a wide range of businesses in the IT field, from informatization strategy planning to system planning, development, outsourcing, service provision, operation and maintenance. We are pleased to announce that we have formed a capital and business alliance with INTEC Inc. (Headquarters: Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, President: Takayuki Kitaoka, hereinafter referred to as INTEC) of the TIS INTEC Group.
In this business alliance, AVILEN and INTEC will undertake the following initiatives
1.Adding AI functionality to problem-solving solutions provided by INTEC to its customers
2.Strengthen in-house AI human resource development and build a system for data utilization using AVILEN's AI services and data scientist training content
3.Consulting on corporate data utilization, AI-related development, support for AI human resource development and provision of AI human resources
4.INTEC became a sales partner to sell AVILEN's AI services and data scientist training content externally
INTEC and AVILEN will support the promotion of DX for companies through the use of their self-developed AI engine, collaboration with data scientists and other experts, utilization of data in the field, and AI human resource development for this purpose.
The utilization of data is essential for responding to changes in the business environment and for the continuous development of business. On the other hand, there are also issues such as "I don't know how to use data effectively" and "There are no human resources who can handle data."
AVILEN specializes in providing comprehensive support for AI-driven DX promotion, from AI/DX strategy planning, development and in-house production of machine learning algorithms such as deep learning, to AI human resource development, for more than 400 companies, mainly listed companies. The company has a proven track record and expertise in AI human resource development and AI/data utilization business in particular.
As a system integrator, INTEC has been involved in the construction of systems for many companies and has a great deal of knowledge about the issues faced in the field.
By combining this knowledge with AVILEN's data analysis technology and AI human resource development know-how, we believe we can strengthen the competitiveness of AVILEN's solutions and promote AI-based DX, and have decided to form a capital and business alliance with INTEC.
Future Outlook
AVILEN and INTEC will train many AI personnel in the world and provide AI/data utilization solutions tailored to customer needs. In the future, we plan to incorporate AI functions into the "Wireless DX "※1 solutions deployed by INTEC, and provide an environment where customers can grow sustainably by making use of data collected from wireless networks.
※1"Wireless DX" is a general term for INTEC's new solutions that create an environment without restrictions on cables, terminals, space and location, etc. in eight industrial fields such as government, medical care, and manufacturing, and support customer problem solving.
※ All company and product names mentioned herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
※ The information provided is current as of the date of publication. Please note that it may differ from the latest information.
Company Overview
■INTEC Inc.(
We are developing a wide range of businesses in the IT field, from the formulation of informatization strategies in line with our clients' management strategies to system planning, development, outsourcing, service provision, and operation and maintenance. Based on the technological capabilities that we have cultivated since our founding in 1964, INTEC is actively challenging the use of AI, RPA, and other digital technologies, as well as the creation of new markets. Always with an open attitude, we will provide new value to our customers as a company that "plays a role in an affluent digital society" by connecting people, companies, and society with technology, and by transforming ourselves as well.
■AVILEN, Inc.(
Location:9F Akihabara First Square, 2-3-3 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Business:Since its establishment in 2018, AVILEN has provided comprehensive support for AI-driven DX/AI promotion to more than 400 companies, mainly listed companies, from DX/AI strategy planning, development of machine learning algorithms such as deep learning and their in-house production, to DX/AI human resource development, under the vision of "cutting-edge technology for all". We provide comprehensive support for AI-driven DX promotion, from DX/AI strategy planning, development of machine learning algorithms such as deep learning, and their internalization, to training of DX/AI human resources.