M&A Policy

AVILEN has included M&A as one of the reasons for being listed on the stock exchange, and we have been working with our clients to deepen our industry knowledge since our inception. Our goal in M&A is to provide value to more customers by expanding our capabilities in areas that have synergies with our existing businesses.

We work with companies using data science/AI and digital technology to accelerate innovation and create a future of growth together.

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Co-creation Domain

[Domain 1]
Companies that provide solutions using data science/AI and digital technologies

[Domain 2]
Companies developing AI technologies and products specialized in specific domains

Synergy from M&A

Advantages of Participation

AVILEN values the customers and technology that your company has built up and wants to link it to the provision of greater value.The value that AVILEN can provide to your company is as follows

  • Technology

    More than 250 engineers※1

    AVILEN has many outstanding data scientists, AI engineers, and full-stack engineers, such as IPA Super Creators and JPHACKS2021 Innovator Certified Engineers, etc. We provide technologies to ensure production development without stopping at PoC.

    ※1|Number of full-time engineers as of March 31, 2024 + enrollment in 「AVILEN DS-Hub」, a community of machine learning researchers

  • Client Base

    More than 740 companies supported※2

    AVILEN has served more than 740 companies since its inception and has developed relationships with a solutions sales force; by providing value together to AVILEN's customers, we provide an environment where engineers can focus on the “work only engineers can do.”

    ※2|As of March 31, 2024

  • Management Base

    Knowledge and assets listed in 5 years

    By leveraging AVILEN's stable management base of administration, accounting, and finance, you will be able to focus on governance and delivering value to your clients. In addition, by discussing technology trends and business strategies with the management team of AVILEN, which has gone public within five years, you will be able to achieve more assured growth.

  • Finance

    Creditworthiness and financial strength of listed companies

    By gaining the credit and financial strength of a publicly traded company, you can make the necessary investments without the uncertainty of cash flow. In addition, if you conduct M&A in exchange for AVILEN shares, you can reap the fruits of your company's growth without having to pay the enormous costs and time required for internal audits, etc. for an IPO.


Contact Us

In an age when AI is installed in all kinds of devices and software, we hope to usher in the AI age by providing AI that truly contributes to improving customer value.

If you are interested in AVILEN's M&A policy, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to working with you to create a new future together.

Click here to contact us